Backing Is Everything in Your Artificial Turf – Here’s Why!

July 31, 2023

Are you a resident of Rocklin or Sacramento considering the switch to artificial grass? When contemplating this home improvement project, there’s one thing you can’t afford to overlook: the backing of your synthetic turf. The backing is a crucial component of artificial turf – here’s why:

Durability & Stability

First and foremost, the backing of your fake turf is responsible for the overall durability and stability of the lawn. A good-quality backing guarantees that the grass blades stay intact, remain upright and maintain their form – even in areas that experience high traffic. This is especially beneficial in spaces like playground turf or a putting green, where the grass withstands frequent foot traffic. 

With a high-quality backing, you can rest assured that your synthetic grass will stand the test of time, ensuring a great return on your investment.

Superior Drainage

Another key advantage of an effective backing system is superior drainage capabilities. This is a particularly important feature when it comes to artificial turf, as it ensures that rainwater and other liquids drain away efficiently. This avoids the problem of flooding or puddling on the surface of your synthetic grass. It helps maintain both the usability and appearance of your turf in various weather conditions, from heavy Sacramento rainstorms to the driest summer heat in Rocklin.

Cleanliness & Hygiene

The backing system is essential to maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in your artificial lawn. This is particularly crucial if you’re installing pet turf, as it helps to quickly and efficiently drain away pet urine, keeping the surface of the lawn clean and odor-free. High-quality backing is also typically allergen-free, making it an excellent choice for households with members who have allergies or sensitivities.

Resistance to Creasing

Artificial turf is subject to a lot of wear and tear, and one issue that can occur with lower-quality products is creasing or folding. This is where the backing comes in – it gives your synthetic turf the ability to bounce back to its original form, even after intense use. Whether it’s being used by children playing, pets running, or golfers practicing their swing, a strong backing ensures your lawn keeps its natural appearance.

Environmental Impact

In today’s eco-conscious world, the environmental impact of products is more important than ever. Quality backing can reduce the environmental impact of your artificial turf, as many artificial grass distributors now offer backing materials that are eco-friendly. This helps reduce the carbon footprint of your synthetic lawn, contributing to a healthier planet.

Synthetic Grass Warehouse Sacramento, a leading provider of synthetic turf wholesale, takes all these factors into account when crafting our products. Our superior backing technology, available across our range of artificial grass, features a robust dual-layer system that offers all the benefits listed above.

Whether you’re aiming to create a stunning and easy-to-maintain backyard oasis, a pet-friendly lawn that can withstand the antics of your four-legged friends, a safe and resilient playground for your children, or a professional-grade putting green, we have the right synthetic turf for you.

Our selection of artificial grass is perfect for a variety of applications, all backed by our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. With our advanced backing technology and our selection of top-grade synthetic grass, we help our customers in Rocklin and Sacramento create beautiful, functional, and long-lasting landscapes.

For more information about our synthetic grass wholesale products and services, please contact SGW Sacramento today at 916-797-0682. Let us help you make the best decision for your synthetic turf needs. Our team is always ready to provide guidance and answer any questions you may have. 

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